Tuesday, March 6, 2012

The Conquest

    Columbus and his Spanish sailors first arrived in Cuba on Oct.17, 1492. They didn't think that Cuba was worth a valuable colony at first, but when they realized it is, they disregarded the traditions of the local indian tribes. During the conquest, the Spaniards slaughtered hundreds of men, women and children.(C)

    Diego Velasquez de Cueller was the first commissional governor of Cuba in 1511. Cuba then became a Spanish colony officially.  Velasquez became a feudal lord of Cuba himself. He personally found Cuba’s two largest cities, Santiago and Havana.(C) Havana's five harbors made it the most important naval and commercial center of the Spanish colonies in the Caribbeans. It became Capital in 1607. By the 18th century, Havana was the New World's greatest port.

    Spanish colonization created huge changes in the initial Cuban society. The large amount of labour colonization provided propped up the cuban economy based on raising livestock and mining gold. Because of the demand for pork, cattle hides and gold in other Spanish colonies, Cuba provided great opportunities for first settlers.(C) But gold supply in Cuba ran out and the Spaniards pushed the Indians even harder in order to provide the same amount of gold. What's more, livestock raising destroyed the Indians way of life. Huge herds trampled the crops which were the main sorce of food for the Indians. European diseases and the increasing workload made many Indians become ill and die. Some were simply worked to death.(C)

    But Cuban's economy revived fast because of the ideal position of the island. Soon it became a rich colonial market and was one of the major Spanish colonies.

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